Spring Cleaning (Summer Job Style)

April 6, 2011

Author: Mike Gregor, Peer Advisor 

Grab a broom, a mop and a dust pan because it’s time for some spring cleaning!  Although we all know our student houses could use some elbow grease, it may be your summer job strategy that needs an overhaul.  Yes it is the end of March and the beginning of exams, but for those students who do not yet possess summer employment; this is your time to shine! 

Job seekers do not yet lose hope.  Although many of your friends may already be employed for this upcoming summer, you have a number of strategies still available to you.  First, if you have yet to do so, start applying!  Apply to summer jobs in your home town and do not be afraid to open up Waterloo as a possible option as well.  As Wayne Gretzky once said: ‘You miss 100% of the jobs you do not apply to’ or something like that…  If simply applying yields no results, then move on to step two.  It may be time to overhaul your resumé and job search tactics.  Attend the Career Centre’s ‘Job Search & Networking Strategies Workshop’ and ‘Resumé Writing Workshop’ on April 19th for some useful tips on your overhaul. 

Perhaps after applying to a number of positions and altering your resumé you still find yourself unemployed.  In this case, being hired may not be in your crystal ball for this year.  Alternative three involves creating your own job opportunity.  The Canadian government offers ‘Summer Company’, a federal grant for students wishing to start and run their own summer business.  You could be eligible for the $3,000 grant and earn much more value this summer than a simple paycheque, but apply quickly because the deadline is fast approaching.  If entrepreneurship is not your fancy, a fourth choice could be to continue your education at Laurier through part-time or full-time studies in either Waterloo or through Online Learning in your home town.

My fifth and final alternative available to a student this summer would be to volunteer.  If you have no luck finding a job, no interest in creating one and have had your fill of school for a few months, why not spend your summer gaining this alternative experience.  The skills and connections one can gain through volunteering are often greater than those of a summer job.  Utilize an amazing volunteer position correctly and your resumé next summer will look even better! 

I have listed only a few solutions to your summer job woes.  Whatever you choose be sure to be proactive and steadfast in your upcoming decision.  Sit down and think about your objectives and goals for the summer months.  The best way to do this is to make sure you have a clear head and clear working space to do your research…  

On second thought, maybe your spring cleaning should start with your student house after all.