The Seinfeld Strategy

By: Jessica Amaro, Peer Advisor

An old classmate of mine posted an article recently that talked about something called “The Seinfeld Strategy.” (You can read it here:

It’s pretty simple: pick a task that is “meaningful enough to make a difference, but simple enough that you can get it done” and focus on doing that every day. Don’t focus on results or performance, but instead on “not breaking the chain.” For Jerry Seinfeld, that meant writing jokes each day.

I think it’s an interesting take on things. We are typically driven by, and pushed toward end results. Fitness goals, grades, money…you name it. Instead, this approach makes you focus on the process. That’s where all the change and learning is happening, after all, but we tend to look past it anxiously striving for the end.

I think this is great for creative endeavours, and I’m also hoping that I can apply this strategy in my summer job search. Maybe one day I’ll tweak my resumė, another day work on my personal branding on LinkedIn, the next day work on making a new connection or maintaining contact with an old one. Breaking it down into bite-sized chunks will create not only results, but meaning.

It might not be the most aggressive approach, but it does form a habit and means that constant, consistent improvements are being made. If you feel like you’re stuck and aren’t sure where to begin your job hunt, maybe this tactic will work for you!

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